MPLS Consultant
Network Consultants

Our Clients

Lantern Networks services clients of all different types, sizes, and budgets. We strive to bring value to all of our clients and become much more than a provider of services. Our goal is to be a strategic communications partner for each client we interact with. A sample of Lantern Network provided solutions is below:

MPLS VPN Migration:
Designed, configured, and managed the implementation of an international MPLS network migration for a $450 million/year global investment and advisory firm. The client contracted Lantern Networks to assist with their network migration from a legacy Frame Relay network using EIGRP routing to a MPLS based solution using BGP and hardware based VPN routers to guarantee the network performance and survivability. Lantern Networks designed, configured, and project managed the entire migration all while ensuring the client suffered no disruption to their business activities.

High Availability Internet Design:
Designed and configured a multi-homed Internet solution for an electronic billing solutions company. Lantern Networks consultants provided design and implementation services consisting of AS# acquisition, router hardware recommendation, BGP routing configuration, service provider scheduling coordination, and failover/resiliency testing.

Network Design and Configuration:
Provided end-to-end project management, network design, and implementation of a Frame Relay network for a large HVAC equipment manufacturing company. Due to the client's limited IT staff, Lantern Networks was contracted to design, install, and configure the clients Frame Relay infrastructure. Lantern Networks worked with the client to document their network requirements, evaluate various carrier offerings, and implement the recommended solution.


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